Pytest System Report


In a previous article, I introduced a simple way to perform system checks with pytest + testinfra . Here it is a simple variant of the same principle with the intention of producing a short human readable report about system configuration. The goal is to get and report quickly some value of interests from a system (a host).

One classic and efficient way to get system information is to use Ansible facts. Here is an example using the ansible ad hoc command.

ansible localhost -m ansible.builtin.setup -a "filter=ansible_kernel"

# localhost | SUCCESS => {
#     "ansible_facts": {
#         "ansible_kernel": "21.2.0"
#     },
#     "changed": false
# }

However Ansible facts may not contain every information you want to check. I find this solution sometimes overkill and not so convenient to obtain a clear output.

I like table outputs in CLI, I think they are very clear. To obtain this kind of output in Python I often use tabulate–the use of tabulate to pretty print Python DataFrame is by far my highest scored answer on Stack Overflow. It is a convenient way to output tables in different formats from various Python data structures.

from typing import List
import pytest
from tabulate import tabulate

def cases():
    return [
        ("Python", "python --version"),
        ("Node", "node --version"),
        ("Rust", "rustc --version | awk '{print $2}'"),
        ("Docker Cli", "docker version --format='{{.Client.Version}}'"),

def test_summary(host, cases):
    results: List[List] = [["Item", "Info"]]
    for label, command in cases:
        results.append([label, host.check_output(command)])
    print(tabulate(results, headers="firstrow", tablefmt="pretty"))

Then it should be run by

  • disabling pytest capture thanks to the -s flag
  • reducing pytest verbosity thanks to the -q flag
pytest -s -q

# +------------+--------------+
# |    Item    |     Info     |
# +------------+--------------+
# |   Python   | Python 3.9.1 |
# |    Node    |   v16.10.0   |
# |    Rust    |    1.58.1    |
# | Docker Cli |   20.10.12   |
# +------------+--------------+
# .
# 1 passed in 0.39s

This test can be run on any testinfra backends (remote hosts and docker images for example) to get a quick look at some important settings.